
1. I decided to sell the piece of land when I was offered more _____price. The most appropriate word to be filled in here is


2. “To cut off the head”. Idiom means


3. Wasim was so good at mathematics that people considered him to be a______ Fill in the blank with the correct response


4. The newly elected president and CEO for the newly established branch of our company_______arrived recently. Fill the blank with appropriate choice


5. Observe the pattern and select next term in sequence: CAB, FAE, IAH


6. I. The literacy rate in the district has been increasing. II. The district administration has conducted extensive training program for the workers involved in the literacy drive.


7. Read the passage and the following statement below. Then choose the correct option, basing your answer only on the information provided.


Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee, celebrating her 70 years on the British throne, was above all a tribute to one of history’s great act of constancy. Her reign spanned virtually the entire post-world War II era, making her a witness to cultural upheaval from the beatles to Brexit


I. There has been another queen of the British throne named Elizabeth before her.

II. Brexit is a normal occurrence.

III. Elizabeth was queen of the British during World War II.



8. Read the following and choose correct answer:


Drake was wearing a blue shirt with black Jean and brown shoes. John was wearing a red shirt with black jeans and black shoes. Ahmed was wearing blue shirt with blue jeans and brown shoes. Nahaz claims he saw someone wearing black jeans, a blue or red shirt, and shoes that were not black. Who did he see?


9. Some bags are pouches. All pouches are cases. No cases are purses. Which of the following conclusions are NECESSARILY TRUE ?


I. Some pouches are purses

II. Some bags are cases

III. No bags are purses



10. Read the following statement, assuming everything in it to be true. Then decide which of the given suggested courses of action logically follow and are worth pursuing.


“Aalia wants to sleep but cannot due to regular noise in and around her house every day.”

Courses of action:

I. Insert good quality noise blocker into her ears.

II. Take strong sleeping pills.



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