1. The value of active membrane potential of the neuron is:


2. The chemical messengers that transmit action potential across the synapse in the form of chemicals are


3. The pressure receptors the receive deep pressure stimulus A human body are called:


4. Cells of different types can be distinguished on the basis of surface


5. Mitosis, a type of cell division is observed in:


6. Which of the following type of organs are supposed to be functional in ancestral species rather than in present day species:


7. Which of the following is the main point of Darwinism


8. Descending aorta is bifurcated into two vessels which on further division from femoral artery that supply blood to high muscles of legs:


9. The final destination of lymph is:


10. ABO blood group is controlled by more than two alleles in a population. This shows that ABO blood group is an example of:


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