MDCAT 2023 PART 13

1. What is the molecular formula of pyridine molecule


2. Identify which method is used to prepare Alkynes


3. The following formula can be used to determine the resistance of a length of conductor. R = pl/A . In the formula, the symbol ρ stands for the:


4. The resistance of the wire varies inversely as:


5. A capacitor of capacitance ‘C’ has a charge ‘Q’ and stored energy is ‘w’. If the charge is increased to ‘2Q’. The stored energy will be:


6. To store the electric charge the ultra-capacitors use _____ effect


7. What is the potential difference between two points in an electric field if it takes 600 J of energy to move a charge of 2 C between these two points


8. A charged particle moves in a uniform electric field between two oppositely charged parallel metal plates. To calculate the force acting on the particle due to the electric field, which quantity is not required


9. Gauss law cannot be used to find which of the following quantity


10. Electric field intensity inside a hollow charged sphere is:


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