1. The increasing stability order of the following compounds are

1= CH3 CH2 CH2

2= CH3) 3C

3= CH3 CH2 CH+ CH3 


2. When 2-bromopropane reacts with Sodium ethoxide, the major product is/are


3. Propanone can be prepared from propyne by:


4. If carboxylic acid and ketone groups C=0 are present in a chain then final name will be give as


5. Acetic acid is weak acid than sulphuric acid because of which of the following reasons


6. Mr. Khan mix acetic acid with thionyl chloride. Which product is obtained


7. After the digestion & before absorption the product of the protein is:


8. Dehydration of alcohol gives which of the following product in the presence of H2SO4 at 140 C


9. Complete oxidation of alcohol gives which of the following


10. 0ne can estimate the direction in which equilibrium will shift with the help of:


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