MDCAT 2023 PART 10

1. The average weight of atoms of an element compared to the weight of one atom of _____ is called atomic weight


2. Which of the following electronic configuration is correct for 24^Cr


3. The same moles of H2, N2 and 02 are present in 0.1 cc volume at STP. Which one has greatest number of molecules:


4. Which is not a property of liquid


5. Which type of forces exist between iodine molecules


6. In anisotropic crystals which property do not change with the change in direction of crystalline structure


7. In metals, why electric conductivity decreases with the increase of temperature


8. Why fluorine has less electron affinity as compared to bromine


9. Which oxyacid of halogen is strong oxidizing agent


10. Alkylbenzene is formed when benzene is treated with an alkyl halide in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride. Identify the type of reaction


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