(PART 19)

1. Part – 1 : Choose THE BEST Option.

The accident happened due to the driver’s:


2. They sometimes feel a _____ for the mountains and the sea.


3. I _____ caution in interpreting these results.


4. She was feeling _____ even after five hours of the surgery.


5. The new teacher showed no _____ about hitting the students.


6. The parents were stunned when they saw that children had created complete _____ in the bedroom:


7. The culpable child _____ some words to her mother for pardoning his delinquency.


8. Part -II, In each of the following question, four alternative sentences are given. Choose the CORRECT one.

Choose the correct one


9. Choose the correct one.


10. Choose the correct one.


Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Comments 1

  • in question no 10
    the type of energy reduced by the enzymes for biological reactions to occur is called ACTIVATION ENERGY
    at here the correct answer is active energy which is wrong

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