1. Which type of reaction takes place when a carbonyl compound is treated with a mixture of NaCN and an acid?


2. Disposable cups are made of a polymer polystyrene. Polystyrene is:


3. During stoichiometric calculations, which of the following laws must be followed?


4. Which of the following element is not present in halogens?


5. Which enthalpy change is relevant in the following process

Na(s) → Na(g)            ΔH= +


6. Which of the following substances exhibits hydrogen bonding?


7. Which balanced chemical equation show the formation of ethanoyl chloride using thionyl chloride?



8. The number of moles of water in 1Kg ice are


9. For an equilibrium reaction; 2S02(g) + 02(g) 2S03(g) the forward reaction is exothermic, increase in temperature shifts the equilibrium position towards left because,


10. Keeping in view the values of standard reduction potential given below, which one of the following would you select as a feasible redox chemical reaction?


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Comments 1

  • in question no 10
    the type of energy reduced by the enzymes for biological reactions to occur is called ACTIVATION ENERGY
    at here the correct answer is active energy which is wrong

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