UHS MDCAT 2017 Paper


1. Snails are the intermediate hosts in:


2. _____ is an intestinal parasite of man belonging to phylum Nematoda:


3. Food is diverted in the esophagus by:


4. Label ‘c’ in the following diagram:


5. Enzyme pepsin act on:


6. Following is the structure of gastric glands in stomach wall where ‘x’ is:


7. Label the part ‘Y’ in the following diagram


8. Which of the following is a respiratory disorder related to malnutrition:


9. The quantities which can be measured accurately are:


10. An observer notes reading of scale from different angles (parallax) while measuring the length of wire, what type of error is possible:


Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Comments 1

  • assalamualaikum sir this website is amaizng….for MDCAT students Butt there is an issue with key kindly recheck it as in part 7 mcq no 8 is marked wrong ………….protien molecules mostly made os 20 types of amino acids rather than 25

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