UHS MDCAT 2017 Paper ( PART 3 ) 1. Bone matrix is hardened by the: Calcium phosphate Canaliculfs Haversian canals Bone marrow tissues 2. The number of bones forming skull in man is: 22 14 20 8 3. The spine consists of linear series of: 33 bones 7 bones 24 bones 12 bones 4. W.O.F changes occur when skeletal muscles contract: A-band shortens and Z- lines move apart I-band shortens and Z-lines come close to each other I-band shortens only Actin filament contracts 5. The thyroxine hormones of thyroid glands act directly on: Protein metabolism Iodine metabolism Glucose metabolism Basal metabolic rate 6. All the hormones released by anterior pituitary aretropic hormones except: ACTH Gonadotrophin hormone TSH STH 7. W.O.F is endocrine as well as exocrine: Pancreas Thyroid Liver Adrenals 8. Ovulation is suppressed by progesterone via: Inhibition of FSH and stimulation of LH Inhibition of both FSH and LH Inhibition of LH and stimulation of FSH Only by inhibition of LH 9. The antibody molecule consists of ______ polypeptide chains: Six Eight Four Two 10. Spongy bone is always surrounded by: Cartilage Compact bone Osteoblast cells Osteoclast cell Loading … Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
assalamualaikum sir this website is amaizng….for MDCAT students Butt there is an issue with key kindly recheck it as in part 7 mcq no 8 is marked wrong ………….protien molecules mostly made os 20 types of amino acids rather than 25