UHS MDCAT 2017 Paper

2017 PAPER ( PART 10 )

1. The ratio of displacement along diameter of circle and total distance along circle is:


2. Arshad is driving down 7th street, he drives 150m in 18s.. Assume he does not speed up or slow down, what is his speed:


3. The distance travelled by a moving car with velocity 15 m/s in 2s, decelerates at 2m/s is equal to:


4. Total work done in figure is:


5. Work done will be zero if angle between force and displacement is:


6. If mass ‘m’ is dropped from height vertically, ‘f’ is the force of friction during downward motion and v is the velocity at bottom, following will hold:


7. A body moves in a circle with increasing angular velocity, at time T= 6s the angular velocity is 27rad/s… What is the radius of circle where linear velocity is 81 cm/s:


8. A moon rotates about its axis. In future scientists may wish to put a satellite into an orbit around the moon such that the satellite remains stationary above one point on moon surface, the period of rotation of moon about its axis is 27.4 days, what is the radius of required orbit:

Mm= 7.35 x 10^22kg


9. In mass spring system mass ‘m’ is attached with spring of spring constant ‘k’ with time period ‘T1’.. Then the mass is replaced by ‘2m’ with same spring, what is the time period T2


10. A body performing SHM with displacement x=x0 sin(wt+f1), when t=0, x=x0.. Then what is the phase angle f1


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Comments 1

  • assalamualaikum sir this website is amaizng….for MDCAT students Butt there is an issue with key kindly recheck it as in part 7 mcq no 8 is marked wrong ………….protien molecules mostly made os 20 types of amino acids rather than 25

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