1. Follicle Stimulating hormone ( FSH ) Is secreted by:


2. Which is NOT a function of testosterone


3. In human males, inhibin hormone is produced by:


4. Which function is NOT directly performed by ovaries


5. During menstrual cycle, after the female gamete is released from the ovary at ovulation, the remains of the follicle (Corpus Luteum) secretes:


6. A condition in which a joint becomes swollen painful and immoveable is called:


7. Which feature Is possessed by smooth muscles


8. Mature bone cells are called:


9. What do we call the cell surface membrane of a muscle fibre


10. It is an event that occurs during meiosis-I, when chromatids of two chromosomes break and rejoin so that a part of one chromatid swaps places with the same part of the other:


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