SINDH MDCAT 2023 ( PART 11 )

1. Which type of isomerism can propanal and acetone exhibit


2. Graph of volume versus total pressure at constant temperature is:


3. 1 atm of nitrogen is at 25°C, its pressure has increased to 2 atm at 50°C. Volume will change from 1 dm3 to:


4. Which of the following temperatures is referred to as the absolute zero


5. An organic compound has C=40%, H=6.67% and 0=53.3%. What is the empirical formula of the compound


6. 7.6 grams of CS2 is reacted with 12.8g of 02, CS2 + 302 → CO2 + 2S02, limiting reactant is:


7. Water rises in capillary tube because of:


8. Which of the following influences the variation of temperature at which boiling of liquid takes place


9. Enzyme show optimum activity between 37°C to 50°C. It however works:


10. Oxidation of secondary propyl alcohol gives:


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