Mdcat 2019 ( PART 6)

1. The ph of 10:3 mol dm^-3 of an aqueous solution H2SO4 is:


2. The oxidation state of CI in HClO4


3. In a zero order reaction, the rate is independent of:


4. Which one of the following is NOT a nueleophile?


5. Which of the following molecules have zero dipole moments?


6. The ligand field effect splits live degenerate d-orbitals into two sets with different energies, the pair of high energy degenerate orbitals is:


7. The change in heat energy of a chemical reaction at constant temperature and pressure is called:


8. A catalyst increases the rate of reaction by:


9. The unit cell parameters of monoclinic system are :



10. Which of the following will have maximum value of heat of hydration?


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