Mdcat 2019 ( PART 2)

1. Questions 1-2

Anglo-Saxon is now, of course, a dead language, but a good deal of its vocabulary has survived, in one form or another to the present day. Most of the very common words in modern English are Anglo-Saxon in origin: nouns like father, mother, food, drink, bed, hunger; most of the prepositions and conjunctions; and nearly all the strong verbs. When it was mixed with Norman French, there were three main results: the grammar was simplified, the pronunciation and spellings became much more complicated and the vocabulary was enormously extended. French is a Latin language, so the major part of our vocabulary is now Latin in origin.

A “dead language” Is:


2. The vocabulary was “enormously extended” mean vocabulary has ____ .


3. Identify the word or phrase that needs to he changed for the sentence to be correct.

When I go into a bank, I get frighten.



4. The fact of matter is never I’d been out to the theatre that night, had super afterwards, and came in late.


5. In Maxwell’s days, no Instruments had been made which could register the greatly enormously long waves of electricity.


6. This  lonq experience of European domination has naturally produced a mood of quite resistance.


7. Choosing the most appropriate option, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.

The house ____  before we moved in.


8. Her hair was hanging ____ her back.


9. We must ____ back by six o’clock.


10. Birds usually ____ eggs in their nests.


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