( PART 19)

1. In inelastic collision the kinetic energy before and after the collision _____ but the momentum of the system before and after the collision is _____ .


2. Which statement describes the electric potential difference between two points in electric field of charge Q?


3. When an object is thrown upward, it rises to height h. How high is the object in terms of h, when it has lost 1/3 of its original kinetic energy?


4. he internal energy of the system decreases in an adiabatic process. Which of the following must be true regarding this Process?


5. If μo permeability of the medium and εo is permittivity of the medium    then value of k equal to _____ .


6. In a step up transformer _____ .


7. If compressible medium has bulk modulus denoted by B and density denoted by ρ then the Newton formula for speed of sound In medium is ______ .


8. In order to produce pair production the minimum energy of photon required is _____ .


9. The Bohr’s postulate for stationary orbits of Hydrogen atom is _____ . Here m is mass of electron, v velocity, r orbital radius and h is Plank’s constant.


10. A car starts from rest and moves with constant acceleration. During 4th second of its motion it covers a distance of 21 meters. The acceleration of the car is _____ ms^2.


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