Mdcat 2019 ( PART 18)

1. The velocity of particle is related to time according to equation v =Ct^3 . The dimensions of constant c are _____ .


2. What should the distance of an object from a convex lens of focal length f=10 cm in order to produce an erect image twice as large as the object?


3. The scalar or Dot product of Vectors (3i – 2j + 4k) and (2i + 2j -3 k) is _____ .


4. The sum of Kinetic Energy and the Potential Energy is always constant provided _____ motion.


5. Three times decrease in the distance between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor will _____ .


6. A car of mass 1200 Kg initially at rest has been accelerated to speed of 8 m/s in 16 meters. Average acceleration of car is _____ m/s and Force is _____ N.


7. In SI system of units, the fundamental units of length, mass, and time are _____, _____ and _____ respectively,


8. In Nuclear Physics the mass defect Is referred to _____ .


9. The formula for Paschen series for Hydrogen spectrum is _____ .


10. The necessary condition for the Boyle’s law to hold is that the process must be _____ .


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