Mdcat 2019 ( PART 17)

1. In Compton Scattering experiment the X-ray Wavelength change Δλ is _____ . Here h is Plank constant, mo is rest mass of electron and θ is angle after scattering.


2. An object is falling down with a speed of 20 m/s. After 3 seconds its velocity will be _____ m/s. (g =10m/s2)


3. In Young’s double slit experiment, if d is separation between two slits λ is wavelength of light and θ is angle of line from center of silts to the point of observation on the screen; then for maxima (bright fringe); the formula is _____ .


4. The polarization of light by tourmaline crystals is due to _____ effect.


5. A paratrooper Is falling down with uniform velocity and also rotating with a constant angular velocity of 0.2 rad/sec. The body satisfies _____ .


6. If decays by emitting two α, one β and two γ -rays the new daughter element y is _____ .


7. A changing current in a coil sets up a changing magnetic field around it which in turn induces an e.m.f. in it. This effect is known as _____ .


8. The principle of an AC generator is _____ .


9. A material that does NOT become radioactive after absorbing neutrons Is called _____ .


10. The Bragg’s Law for measurement of wave length λ of x-rays, using crystal lattice planes having distance d between each other, for constructive Interference for integral multiple of λ is _____ .


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