Sindh MDCAT 2018 paper

( PART 8 )

1. The phenomenon in which certain elements emit invisible radiations is called:


2. How many chain isomers are shown by C5H12 ?


3. Which one of the following is the pure carbon compound and used as reducing agent in industries


4. When electricity is passed through water in the presence of an acid oxygen is produced


5. The rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of active masses of the reactants, it is referred to as:


6. Which of the following reactions is NOT shown by Ketones?


7. The boiling point of water Is highest than other hydrides because *water molecules can form:


8. The Neutron was discovered by


9. Which alkyl halide has the lowest reactivity for a particular alkyl group


10. The normal pH of blood is:


Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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