Sindh MDCAT 2018 paper

( PART 7 )

1. 1f we increase the area of a cross section of a conductor length L, the resistance R of that conductor will be:


2. Bimetallic thermostat is an example of:


3. A cyclist moving towards right with an accleration of 4m/s^2, At t=0, he has travelled 5m moving towards the right at 15m/s. What will be position at t=2 seconds ?


4. In the photo electric effect, a photon of energy hv is incident on the metal surface. The energy required to eject the valance electron from the surface of the metal is expressed as:


5. If constant temperature conditions are applied to a gas container, then the volume of the mass of that gas tends to increase by:


6. A solar day is the time interval between two successive appearances of the sun overhead. The time that is referred to rotation of the earth about its axis is called:


7. In pure semiconductor materials, some impurities are added to change the properties of these semiconductors, This process is called:


8. Let B be the magnetic field and a conductor of length LB moved across this field. Due to this activity, a potential difference appears across the ends of the conductor. This type of potential difference is termed as:


9. If the sunlight is incident on the photocell, the number of electrons emitted from the surface of the cell increases with the:


10. If in a circuit, 2 ampere current is drawn from the battery in 10 minutes. How much charge will flow through the circuit in this time?


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