Sindh MDCAT 2018 paper MDCAT 2018 paper ( PART 6 ) 1. In electromagnetic spectrum of radiations, the wavelength spectrum that is visible to humans lies in the range of: 1000-1500 nm 700-1000 nm 400-700 nm 100-400 nm 2. The process in which light bends around an obstacle is called: Polarization of light Reflection of light Diffraction of light Interference of light 3. In free states, the mass of the nucleus is always: Less than the mass of its constituents Equal to the mass of its constituents Greater than the mass of its constituents Far greater than the mass of its constituents 4. Two forces equal in magnitude but opposite in direction and not acting along the same line constitute a couple. The movement of this couple will be: Scalar product Dependent on the location of the origin Independent of the location of origin Zero 5. There are different types of waves that exist in this universe. Which of the following waves do NOT need any material medium to travel? Sound waves Waves produced on a string Electromagnetic waves Waves produced on the water surface 6. The process of natural decay of some heavy nuclides is because of the____ phenomenon Radioactivity Nuclear fusion Nuclear fission Emission spectra 7. In electronic circuits, a PN junction diode is used to convert alternating current into direct current. This process is called: Rectification Integrated circuit Amplification Doping 8. During radioactive decay nucleus zX^A, β emission takes place along with daughter nucleus. Because of this beta particle emission, the mass number A of parent nucleus Remains constant Decreases by 1 Increases by 1 Decreases by 2 9. The atomic number Z of an atom represents the Number of neutrons Sum of protons and neutrons Number of protons Number of electrons and protons 10. The efficiency of the Carnot engine working between temperatures 177°C and 77°C will be: 30.30% 23.23% 25.25% 22.22% Loading … Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10