Sindh MDCAT 2018 paper

MDCAT 2018 paper ( PART 5 )

1. If a dielectric material is placed between two plates of a capacitor, the net capacitance of the capacitor:


2. Let X be a radioactive element having N nuclei. TNN time required to decay this element to one half of its initial number N is known as:


3. When an electron and its anti-particle positron come close enough to each other, they completely convert into radiation energy in the form of photons, this process is called:


4. Which of the following phenomenon represents the wave nature of light?


5. which process is shown in the graph between pressure and volume ?



6. Equations of kinetics are valid only when the acceleration is:


7. In simple harmonic motion, a particle is oscillating in such a way that its total energy remains conserved. When this particle reaches its two extreme positions, its potential energy at extreme positions becomes:


8. If current is flowing through a coil then flux through coil will become constant. In such typireboef arrangement the electro motive force end induced in coil wil :


9. Law of heat exchange is used determine:


10. If a car collides with a housefly, what will he the magnitude of the force experienced by the housefly?


Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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