Download the Khairpur Medical College (KMC) PHYSIOLOGY MBBS PAPER 2021 from Enhance your understanding and mastery of human physiology.

Greetings from, your go-to resource for thorough medical exam information. We provide the Khairpur Medical College (KMC) Physiology MBBS Paper 2021, a carefully selected tool that will improve your comprehension and proficiency in human physiology. This paper presents a comprehensive and organized set of questions that covers all the important physiological principles. Cellular physiology, neurophysiology, cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, and endocrine physiology are among the topics covered in the KMC Paper 2021. Every question mirrors the intricacy and format of the real test, so you can be confident you are ready for whatever comes up.

1a. Define upper and lower motor neurons
b. What are main features of upper motor neuron lesion
2Define sensation & Perception. what is the mechanism sensory transduction
3What is adaptation. What are the types of adaptation of receptors. Give examples
4a. Define pain. Difference b/w fast pain & slow pain
b. Trace the pathway of pain from receptors to the destination
5Describe briefly main functions of Hypothalamus or Cerebellum
6Write short note on any

a. Primary sensations of taste
b. Brown Sequard syndrome
7a. Define muscle stretch reflex. What is clinical importance
b. What is reflex arc. Name and define its components/parts
8Define any three of the following:

a. Visual acuity
b. Accommodation
c. Errors of refraction
d. Phototransduction
e. Rods and cones
9Enlist the enzymes of stomach and describe the function of Hydrochloric acid
10Describe the movements of large intestine
11Describe the function of Glomerulus
12Describe the phases of menstrual cycle

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