MDCAT1.com provides the Physiology 2nd year paper of Batch 07 KMC 2022, which took place in the month of December.
Physiology 2nd year paper:
Attempt any TEN questions
1 | Describe the steps of synthesis of thyroid hormone. |
2 | Define the pressures which favors and oppose the filtration in kidney ? |
3 | Write short note on any TWO a. Organ of corti b. Primary sensation of taste c. Brown-Sequard syndrome |
4 | a. What are normal fasting and random blood glucose levels ? b. Name hyperglycemic hormone and mention how these increase blood glucose level ? |
5 | Name the hormone of adrenal cortex. What is role of cortisol in inflammation and stress ? |
6 | Name the hormone responsible for calcium homeostasis. What are the main function of parathyroid hormones ? |
7 | a. Write down the factor affecting Glomerular filtration rate ( GFR ) b. Mention tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism. |
8 | a. What is synapse ? Summarize the mechanism of synaptic transmission at a chemical synapse. b. Name and define five basic type of sensory receptors |
9 | a. Name two major somatic sensory pathways and list sensation transmitted by each b. Differentiate between fast and slow pain |
10 | a. Mention the functions of middle ear. b. What are the primary taste sensations ? |
11 | a. What are the main function of insulin? Summarize how its secretion is regulated ? b. Differentiate between type-I and type-II diabetes mellitus |
12 | Write short note on any TWO of the followings: a. Role of cortisol in stress b. Hypothyroidism c. Cushing syndrome d. Acromegaly |