Welcome to, Here you can get study materials of Khairpur Medical College Pharmacology Periodic Test 2021, held on September 20, 2021.

Our platform gives you a comprehensive grasp of important subjects, medication mechanisms, and therapeutic. Applications by offering a detailed analysis of the Pharmacology Periodic Test. is a reliable travel partner for medical professionals looking to improve. Their pharmacological knowledge or for medical students seeking for academic achievement. Find a multitude of study resources that have been carefully chosen to meet your needs. Participate in practice questions, thorough explanations, and professional insights that are all designed to improve your understanding of pharmacology. Our intuitive design guarantees easy navigation, enabling you to make the most of your preparation.

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1Classify diuretics on the basis of site of action. Briefly discuss K-Sparing Diuretics?
2Classify Anticholinergic drugs on the basis of their clinical uses. Briefly discuss their side effects
3Discuss the mechanism of action & clinical uses of Heparin?
4Enlist the various groups of drugs used in hypertension. Discuss briefly ACE Inhibitors
5Briefly discuss various groups of drugs used in Asthma
6Write short notes on any TWO of the following

A. Acetazolamide
B. Sucralfate
C. HMG-CoA Reductase inhibitors

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