1. Match the following classification of amino acid on the basis of side chain

i. Non polar      a. Arg

ii. Polar              b. asp

iii. Acidic            c. asn

iv. Basic             d. Ala


2. Which of the following is not a primary pollutant of the troposphere


3. Arrange the following according to increasing ionization energy:

Li, Be, Na, mg


4. Classify this alkyl halide:


5. What is common when carboxylic acid is reacted with base or with alcohol


6. Jimmy went to a hospital to take some laboratory tests. After he had gotten the result, he found out that the count of his red blood cells was 2.7 x 106 / ul. The doctor said that the normal adult male hemoglobin count is 13.5 g/100 ml. Low hemoglobin count would result to anemia and high hemoglobin count would result to polycythemia. If you were the doctor, identify the condition of jimmy. Hemoglobin is One red blood cell is approximately 270 million hemoglobin molecules


7. Which functional group is not a double bond


8. Amygdalin is a naturally occurring compound that is commonly found in seeds of apricot and apple. If you eat at least 200 of these seeds, it can be deadly. What is this harmful by product when amygdalin is reduced by enzymes in our body


9. Why water is added after the reduction process of aldehyde and ketone with LiAlH4


10. In 1956, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin discovered the structure of Vitamin B12 or its other name “Cobalamin” because it has a transition metal cobalt as the central atom surrounded by complex amine groups and other complex functional groups as multidentate ligands

Based on the chemical structure of Vitamin B12, what could be the coordination number


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