MDCAT1.com provides the short note on LOWER LIMB BONES NUMBER along with names and description in tubular form so students can remember easily
The following tubular shape represent the osteology of the lower limb:
1. Femur | 1 | Thigh |
2. Tibia | 1 | Lower leg |
3. Fibula | 1 | Lower leg |
4. Patella | 1 | Knee joint |
5. Tarsals : Calcaneus Talus Navicular Cuboid Lateral cuneiform Intermediate cuneiform Medial cuneiform | 7 | Ankle |
6. Metatarsals | 5 | Foot |
7. Phalanges | 14 | Toes |
1=Longest and strongest bone of the lower limb, the femur is located in the thigh.
2=The sesamoid bone called the patella, also known as the kneecap, is situated anterior to the knee joint.
3=The bigger, weight-bearing tibia, often known as the shinbone, is located in the lower leg.
4=The smaller bone in the lower leg, the fibula, is located laterally to the tibia.
5=The talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, and three cuneiform bones are among the group of seven bones called the tarsals. That make up the ankle joint.
6=Five long bones called metatarsals, which connect the phalanges to the tarsals, are located in the middle of the foot.
7=Each toe has three phalanges out of the fourteen bones. That make up the toes, with the exception of the hallux or big toe.