Welcome to mdcat1.com, where academic excellence meets pharmaceutical precision. Our platform is honored to present the KMC Pharmacology Test 2.
The KMC Pharmacology exam 2 is more than simply an exam; it is evidence of Khairpur Medical College’s commitment to producing qualified pharmacologists and healthcare workers. We at mdcat1.com are honored to act as the sole hosts for this important exam, giving you a special chance to deepen your understanding of pharmaceutical science. Immerse yourself in pharmacology as the test carefully assesses your comprehension of key ideas, pharmacological mechanisms, and clinical applications. It is an exploration of the complex world of drugs.Join our vibrant community of medical professionals, pharmacologists, and students. Share knowledge, have discussions, and work together to achieve pharmaceutical excellence.
Improve your pharmaceutical knowledge. The KMC Pharmacology Test 2 is here. Visit mdcat1.com right away!
1 | a. Name 5 amino glycerides b. Briefly mention their mechanism of action c. Mention 3 important clinical uses and 2 sides effects |
2 | a. Name tissue amoebicidal drugs b. Briefly discuss management of amoebiasis |
3 | a. Classify drugs used in malaria b. What is terminal prophylaxes of vivax and ovale malaria |
4 | a. Name second line anti tuberculous drugs and their importance b. Briefly discuss rifampicin |