Welcome to MDCAT1, Discover Ophthalmology excellence, Immerse yourself in Khairpur Medical College KMC OPTHALMOLOGY PAPER 2021.
Attempt any TEN question of the following:
1 | What is ulcerative blepharitis ? What are its signs and symptoms ? What is the treatment ? |
2 | What is Chalazion ? What are its complications ? What are the treatment options ? |
3 | What is Pterygium ? What are its complications ? What are the treatment options ? |
4 | What are the Clinical features of Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis ? What is the treatment ? |
5 | A 30 years old farmer had a trauma on the cornea with the agricultural material, due to which he developed corneal ulcer. 1. What is the most likely cause of corneal ulcer ? 2. What appropriate investigations you would suggest to confirm the diagnosis ? 3. What will be the treatment ? |
6 | What is a Morgagnian cataract ? What are the complications of hypermature cataract ? What is the Treatment of cataract ? |
7 | Classify Secondary Glaucoma What are the causes of secondary open angle glaucoma ? Whet is the treatment of lens induced glaucoma ? |
8 | A 60 years old woman presented in an eye OPD with gradual decrease of vision from both eyes for last one year. On examination right eye lOP was 30mmHg and left eye IOP was 35 mmHg. On fundus examination there was bilateral cupping. 1. What is the most likely diagnosis ? 2. What investigations you would, suggest to confirm the diagnosis ? 3. How will you manage the case ? |
9 | Classify uveitis. What are the infectious causes of uveitis ? What is the treatment of acute anterior uveitis ? |
10 | What are the risk factors of diabetic retinopathy ? What are the clinical features of proliferative diabetic retinopathy ? What is the most appropriate treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy ? |
11 | What at are the risk factors of central retinal vein occlusion ? What are the clinical features of ischemic central retinal vein occlusion ? What is the treatment of ischemic central retinal vein occlusion ? |
12 | What is hyphema ? What are its complications ? What is the treatment? |