Welcome to MDCAT1, Experience the best in ophthalmology by reviewing the Khairpur Medical College KMC OPTHALMOLOGY PAPER 2017.

With our carefully selected KMC Ophthalmology Paper 2017, accessible at, you can discover the secret to your success in the field of ophthalmology. This priceless resource, intended for prospective physicians, offers an in-depth analysis of one of the most important exams in ophthalmology. Our 2017 KMC Ophthalmology Paper is designed to satisfy your needs, whether you’re enhancing your clinical knowledge or getting ready for your finals. The 2017 KMC Ophthalmology Paper was put together by skilled teachers and medical professionals who examined the exam’s structure and high-yield subjects.

Attempt any ONE question of the following:


1What is Myopia? Write down the brief note on its treatment options complication of myopia.
2What is vernal keratoconjunctivitis? What is the clinical presentation of vernal keratoconjunctivitis. How do we differentiate it form other types of conjunctivitis and what is treatment?

Attempt any FIVE question of the following:


1What is the classification of astigmatism ?
2What is dendritic ulcer? What is its treatment ?
3What is ectropion? What are types and its treatment ?
4What are the causes of red eye? What is the treatment of mucopurulent conjunctivitis.
5What is chronic daryocystitis? What is its treatment?
6Enumerate the clinical features of the impact of blunt trauma to eye.
7Brief note on congenital Ptosis.

Attempt any ONE question of the following:


1Define and classify glaucoma. Discuss in detail physiology of aqueous and anatomy of angle
2What is diabetic retinopathy. Discuss the stages of diabetic retinopathy. What are the treatment options

Attempt any FIVE question of the following:


1Discuss briefly the anatomy of optic nerve and enumerate some of the disorders of optic nerve
2Define and classify uveitis. Write down some of the causes of posterior uveitis
3Discuss briefly hypertensive retinopathy
4Define perimetry. Write down a short note on Glaucomatous visual field defects
5Write down the etiology and types of congenital cataract
6Write a short note on lens induced glaucoma

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