KMC Comprehensive test 2022

Comprehensive test ( PART 2 )

1. A three-weeks old child present with non-bilious projectile vomiting, what diagnosis should be suspected keeping in mind the age of child.


2. A 28 days old baby is brought to the physician because of projectile vomiting after feeding, until this time the baby has no problem in feeding. On examination a small knot is feeding  at the right costal margin, which of the following disorder might be suspected.


3. What percentage of general population have Meckel’s diverticulum ?


4. How proximal to the cecum is Meckel’s Diverticulum usually found


5. A new born who presents with which of the following symptoms could have esophageal atresia with a tracheoesophageal fistula


6. Duodenal atresia is associated with all except


7. Esophageal atresia can be best described by which of the following passage


8. A three-months old baby girl present with swollen umbilicus that has failed to heal normally, the umbilicus drains secretion and there is passage of fecal material through the umbilicus at time, what is the most likely to diagnosis.


9. A baby born to young woman whose pregnancy was complicated by polyhydramnios was placed in the intensive care unit because of repeated vomiting containing bile. The stomach was markedly distended and only small of meconium has passed through anus. what is most likely diagnosis.


10. The spleen is related to the following structures, except


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