ETEA 2019 PAPER ETEA MDCAT 2019 ( PART 3 ) 1. Purkinje fibers are connected with the impulse conducting system of Nephron Skin Heart Brain 2. The alveoli represent total surface area of 90-110m 30-60m 10-30m 70-90m 3. Some marine fishes possess salt excreting organs known as Pituitary gland Thyroid gland Adrenal gland Rectal gland 4. Tetanus is the infection of Nervous system Bones and muscles circulatory system Respiratory system 5. _____ regulate the body temperature Hypothalamus Hippocampus Thalamus Amygdala 6. A man has to face interview, but during his first five minutes before the interview he experiences sweating, increased heart rate and respiration. Which hormone is responsible for his restlessness Aldosterone Insulin and glucagon Epinephrine and norepinephrine Adrenocorticotropic hormone 7. Hypothalamus is connected to pituitary gland via: Nerves Blood Infundibulum No connection 8. Second meiotic division in oocyte is completed When oocyte is fertilized by sperm Before the onset of menstruation When ovum is discharged from the ovary Just before fertilization 9. Do not make so much noise, Farrah _____ to study for her ESL test! Tries Tried Is trying Try 10. Choose the correct voice: Zara changed the flat tire. The flat tire had changed by Zara The flat tire was changed by Zara The flat tire has been changed by Zara The flat tire is changed by Zara Loading … Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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