ETEA MDCAT 2019 ( PART 12 )

1. Which of the following elements has lower first ionization energy


2. The anhydride of HCl04 is


3. A gas diffuse 12 times as fast as hydrogen, its molecular mass is


4. Which one of the following ions has more electrons than protons and more protons than neutrons


5. Ice and Water is in equilibrium with each other. By increasing the pressure of equilibrium will shift in


6. Stream causes severe bums than boiling water. It is due to


7. Two meter high tank is full of water. A hole is made in the middle of the tank. The speed of efflux is


8. A hail and a rain drop of the same radius are released from the same height, the rain drop will reach


9. Two springs A and B (Kg= 2 Kg) are stretched by applying forces of equal magnitudes at the four ends. If the energy stored in A is E than the energy stored in B is


10. The general form of path difference in young’s double slit experiment is “mλ”. Its corresponding phase shift (in radians) is


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