MDCAT 2022 (PART 9)

1. 2- chloropropane is heated with Na metal product is 2,3- dimethyl butane reaction is


2. At equilibrium in a reversible reaction


3. Rate of reaction increases by the addition of a catalyst because


4. The comparison of rate of diffusion of H2 & O2 is in the ratio of


5. Grignard reagents, eg methyl magnesium halide reacting with methyl halide, product is


6. HOOC-COOH has IUPAC name


7. Pulverized CaCu2 react faster because of the increase in


8. Oxidation of K2Mno4 by Cl2 is to manufacture


9. Aldehyde reacts with


10. Reaction H2+Cl2 → 2HCl is a


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