ANATOMY GUESS PAPER 2022 GUESS PAPER ( PART 2 ) 1. Patient has difficulty in comprehension and intellectual brain function. Which brain area is affected Broca’s Wernicke’s Parietal lobe Occipital Lobe 2. Area of sound perception is located in In the Cortex in temporal lobe Lateral lemniscus Cochlear Nuclei Vestibular 3. A Patient has crushed Injury to heal alter that develop aphasias that occurs due to Paralysis of muscles of palate / tongue Damage of medulla Damage to mid brain Damage to cerebrum Damage or Frontal cortex in dominant Hemisphere 4. A Patient refer to CT scan after which diagnosed as he got lesion of temporal lobe the injury results in loss of Taste Olfaction Vision Memory 5. Most Medial nucleus in cerebellum is Globose Emboliform Dentate Festigeal 6. A patient got injury in cerebellum can most probably developed which of the following Rigidity Initiate muscle movement Sensation are lost on same side Ataxia 7. Regarding blood supply of brain circle of Willis is formed at Brain stem Temporal lobe Frontal lobe Medulla oblongata Inter Pudendal fossa 8. After road traffic injury patient got extradural hematoma. What is the cause Rupture of cerebral veins Maxillary artery Superficial temporal artery Middle meningeal artery Posterior cerebellar artery 9. Regarding fibers of corpus callosum Connect the two cerebral hemispheres Pass through the internal capsule to the frontal lobe Unit adjacent and widely separated gyri in the same hemisphere Unit the olfactory area of the two sides of the cerebrum 10. The pons and cerebellum are derivatives of the Metencephalon Mid Brain Myelencephalon Prosencephalon Telencephalon Loading … Pages: 1 2 3