Welcome to MDCAT1.com, your ultimate resource for the Anatomy 2nd year 2018 paper of Khairpur Medical College ( KMC )
ANATOMY 2nd YEAR 2018 4th semester
Attempt any ONE question of the following:
1 | Name the paired and unpaired Dural venous sinuses ? Write the location, contents and tributaries of the cavernous sinus with its clinical significance. |
2 | Describe the main features of the pituitary gland under the following headings : A. Gross anatomy B. Development C. Microscopic features |
Attempt any SIX question of the following:
1 | Briefly discus the vulnerability population in research context |
2 | Write a note on the important feature’s of the scalp? |
3 | Write down the origin, insertion, nerve supply, and the actions of the muscles of mastication in a tabulated form? |
4 | Describe the main events regarding to the development of any ONE of the followings: A. The inner ear B. The eye |
5 | Enlist the various nuclei, branches and structures supplied by the facial nerve. |
6 | Define the anatomical pathway of the corticonuclear and corticospinal tracts? |
7 | Write a note on the blood supply of the brain? |
8 | Describe the histological features of any ONE of the followings by a suitable diagram with Eosin and Hematoxylin pencils. A. Parotid gland B. Adrenal gland |